Yes it has been a while since my last update. I cannot lie and say things have been super busy as they haven't. I have just not really felt like updating LOL. It is hard for me to get my feelings out, whether that is talking or writing.
I feel fine, I feel pregnant finally! I am getting a lot rounder and have noticed my belly is starting to get in the way. It's funny because I will be in the back of my car buckling in my twins and then try to quickly get out of the car but the bottom of my belly no longer allows my legs the flexibility they once had. I have started to talk to the babies, they are most active at night just like their sister was. I will gently rub my growing belly, thinking of the time I get to introduce them to their sister. I can say I am more attached to this pregnancy than last, because I was not sure how to feel, how not to feel. It is a fine line surrogate walk with our feelings. On one hand we cannot forget that we are carrying precious cargo not for ourselves but for the families we are helping, yet we (most) love the cargo that is inside. Not that we want to keep the babies, but how can you not have love for the baby or babies you are carrying that you yourself put so much effort into helping create? You watch what you eat, you make sure you get enough water, you slow down and ask your family to pick up your slack. This is all in the name of bringing a baby to its parents, family, grandparents, sisters, brothers, cousins, uncles & aunts. There are so many people that go through this journey called surrogacy. I LOVE what I have been able to help do. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE watching Caroline grow, seeing her smile with all 6 teeth she has, love hearing about her favorite activities, hearing about her development knowing she is such a happy calm soul. I cherish it almost like I have cherished all those same moments of my own children.
On to the genders...................................................................................................................................................................
Yes that is right 2 more girls. The guys were happy, yes of course I knew there was a twinge of sadness because they will never have a son, but for them to know that their daughters are healthy and perfect in every way is all that truly matters. They only had one other girl name that they are both in agreement in, so they are currently working on another one, as soon as I know what it is I will write about it. I don't like referring to the babies, as " the babies" I loved knowing Caroline's name from very early on.
I have been growing and eating, my appetite has finally arrived which is great. I am always wondering if I get enough water and protein. Some OB's say to gain 20 lbs by 20 weeks. I think that is a LOAD OF CRAP. I will focus on the more important task of getting enough protein, veggies and water.
Well till next time.